Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Telikom cables at Waigani cut and stolen

The National, Thursday, June 9th 2011
TELIKOM is appealing to the public to stop vandalising vital telephone cable lines around the country following the cutting of another cable in Waigani last week.
As a result of this, voice and data communication services through- out  North Waigani, Tokarara and June Valley would be disrupted for an indefinite period until Telikom fixes the damage by replacing the expensive cables stolen.
How long it would take to fix the problem depends on the extent of the damage and Telikom staff had been working around the clock since last week to resolve the issue.
Telikom PNG CEO Peter Loko said: “Our telephone cables are very expensive and vital to maintain communication for everyone around the country.
“Vandalism of such properties by a small group of people affects a lot of innocent customers, business houses and public institutions such as schools.
“Help us help you by reporting vandalism on cables today.”
This is the second such occurrence in Waigani within a month.
The vandalism has come at the time when the national telecommunications operator launched its mobile phone service, citifon.
Telikom is urging the public to report any sighting or knowledge of vandalism to police or the Telikom internal security on 300 5802 or 300 4024.
The public can also call the customer care data faults hotline on 1514.

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